Lawhill & Co. Advocates is organized in three Departments for each designed to effectively handle matters falling under the Department’s Portfolios. The Departments reflect the Firm’s level of specializations and professionalism, and each department is headed by a partner who is specialized in the areas of practice falling under his/her Department’s Portfolio. They are designed for purposes of easing the service delivery process, however, in discharging actual assignments, attorneys at Lawhill & Co. Advocates work as a team and are co-opted depending on their skills and expertise. Therefore, no matter in which department a clients’ matter falls, you can rest assured that, they will highly benefit from innovative solutions from other department’s teams to reflect our one-stop centre approach.
Department of Energy & Infrastructure, Natural Resources (Mining, Oil and Gas Law) and International Trade and Finance Law
This department is headed by Dr. Erasmo Nyika, a highly regarded expert in energy and natural resources laws. The 2018 Legal500 had reported clients’ views of Dr. Erasmo being regarded as 'very good up-and-coming tax attorney’. The department is adequately and well equipped with highly knowledgeable personnel under Dr. Erasmo’s supervision. You will get to interact with our attorneys throughout your professional business relationship with the Firm.
This department deals with a number of assignments and serves clients in all industry sectors, ranging from mining, oil and gas, manufacturing, farming, telecommunications, agriculture, construction, banking and financial services sectors, hospitality industries such as hotels, tourism and transportation. Lawhill & Co. Advocates provides high quality, well-researched and highly vetted opinions and advices to clients on the legal implications and compliance requirements of their continuing or intended transactions. Proposals on the most appropriate strategies of implementing their transactions with minimal tax exposures are extensively discussed.
Department of Taxation, Intellectual Property Rights, Corporate and Commercial Transactions
This department is headed by Ms. Hadija Kinyaka a highly experienced tax and corporate attorneys cum Arbitrator with vast experience of more than nine years. In heading the department, she is assisted by Dr. Erasmo Nyika, who is also well knowledgeable and experienced on tax matters. The 2018 Legal500 had reported clients’ views of Dr. Erasmo being regarded as ‘very good up and coming tax attorney. This department handles a wide array of taxation, intellectual property and commercial and corporate assignments ranging from assisting clients to set up their businesses; preparing corporate transactions agreements; providing company secretarial services; and advising on corporate forms and regulatory requirements. The department is very active in prosecuting complex tax disputes, commencing with objection proceedings, and appeals to the Tax Revenue Appeals Board, then to the Tax Revenue Appeals Tribunal, and ultimately to the Court of Appeal of Tanzania which are conducted professionally and comprehensively. The department services clients from various sectors such as: construction, banking, manufacturing, transportation, aviation, hospitality industries, mining and oil and gas.
Department of Employment, Labour, Immigration, Strategic Litigation and International Arbitration
This department is headed by Ms. Hadija Kinyaka a highly experienced tax and corporate attorneys cum Arbitrator with vast experience of more than seven years. This department assists clients on legal issues relating to employment, labour and immigration laws. This is the department that is directly undertaking litigation and arbitration. The lawyers in this department are experienced in court processes and offers assistance to lawyers working in the tax and corporate and commercial departments in matters relating to litigation and arbitration.